Dear friends of the magic art,
Welcome to our monthly roundup newsletter that will point you to the location of news and interesting things in the magic world.
Last weeks were extremely busy time for Moein with WWE events. You can see lots of backstage WWE Wal3ooha photos and videos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
As always the show goes live every Thursday at 8pm (KSA) on OSN Sports Action 1 HD. You can also check the videos at our website video gallery.
Check out the latest video episode of WWE Wal3ooha program:

Moein and his team really love the magic brand and products line that was created both for children and adults. Moein had a lot of wonderful experiences when teaching the tricks and sharing his insights with fans. And now the time has come to take a closer look at the creation.
How would you like it to progress and evolve? Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Whether you're a kid whose hobby is magic or a professional performer or even a beginner – you are welcome to share your thoughts and feedbacks!
Do you like easy and inexpensive tricks? Or perhaps you’d prefer professional party props? Tell us! Share the link to your favourite tricks and invite friends or colleagues to explore our online store for all of your fun.
We are still here doing our best to help you learn the basics of tricks and the special “secret” tips for performing. This little tip is used by almost every magician who has performed sometime in their carrier:
Think of your own phrases and monologues that will help you to distract audience’s attention.
For example:
“I’m about to perform a miracle – that is, if it works…”
Continue to master your magician techniques and remember – the magicians can make the impossible possible!..